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March 01, 2011

Reliance- is all one needs…

Reliance- is all one needs…

Sometimes we feel like the pigeons that fly around the streets. People pass us, maybe enjoy the sight of us for a while and then ignore us. Also sometimes they prefer we weren’t part of their city. We may also be the pigeon among the family or friends. Seldom among friends though. Maybe because u don’t fit in or you ignore others or you love yourself or you can’t stop feeling sorry for yourself or many such things. Everyone fights for position. Everybody wants to be seen and heard. I guess so!

We may not be heard or seen pretty much but then we should not restrict ourselves to the given room a lot too. Let me give you an instance. Once there was a man, he was happily married, had a home and good job. He dint have kids. Oh, he wanted them. But the woman he loved fell out of love with him. It broke his heart. And whenever the chance to be loved came along again, he ran away from it. He stopped trusting people. No offence to people who have been there. But it sort of seems a dumb thing to do.

He was afraid of getting his heart broken again. You see, sometimes you trust a person and when things are down they forget about you. But then it may not always be that they exactly forget you. May be they are just too busy, they don’t forget about you but they forget to remember you. I don’t think people mean to forget. I think it just happens. I do understand that a broken heart is afraid to get hurt again by trusting people. But you never know. For example, I used to have this really nice pair of shoes. I was afraid if I wore them, I wreck them. I kept them in a box. And you know what happened? I outgrew them. I never wore them once outside. Now you must be thinking that a persons’ heart and a persons’ feelings are very different from shoes.

But according to me, they are kind of the same thing. If you aren’t going to use your heart then what’s the difference if it gets broken? If you just keep it to yourself they will be like my pair of shoes. When you do decide to try it they won’t be any good. You should take a chance, you got nothing to lose. There is always a chance.

A bit of truth in here, somewhere? At least, I think so. 
My point here being, your heart might still be broken but it isn’t gone. If it’s gone you can’t be nice to people anymore. Hence, talk to people. Let your feelings out. Be with somebody rather than being all alone.

I have heard that a good deed erases a bad one. As for me, I have done something’s wrong. And I don’t know if I have enough time to do all the good deeds that are needed to erase the bad ones. So all I am going to do now is, I am going to think of the most important thing that I can do to others and go do it.

Just follow the stars and your own heart.

PS: If you need somebody to trust, it could be me. I won’t forget you!


Insidious said...

Very often, what you mentioned happens. I've seen loads of people who aren't willing to let people in just because someone else hurt them. Doesn't it necessarily signify that you think, that the person who's really trying to get into your life is going to break your heart as well?

Just because a person broke your heart, it doesn't mean that everyone else is going to be just as bad. In fact, it doesn't necessarily mean that that person is bad either. You never know what their side of the story is unless they want to tell you.

Nice write up, miss Menon. ;)

VM Menon said...

Exactly. Its all about trust. And that, comes to you, when you are willing to let go of past experiences and move on with a new hope.
Thank you Eshwar. :)

zippy said...

No Reliance! Get an idea :D Or Vodafone ;)

VM Menon said...

Oh my dear meens, no limits to ur mokkai :)